Reticular Erythematous Mucinosis (REM): Case Report and Review of Literature

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Roxanne Rajaii
Summer Moon
Timothy Nyckowski
John Pui
Michael Mahon


Reticular Erythematous Mucinosis, REM, Lupus Tumidus, Mucinosis, Cutaneous lupus


Reticular erythematous mucinosis (REM) is a rare disorder with an unknown etiology. REM requires both a clinical and a pathological diagnosis. Multiple relevant associations and triggers are known. Herein, we report a classic case of REM, whose condition was found to be correlated with smoking and exacerbated by sun exposure. Our diagnostic and treatment approach is based on a worldwide review of current research, and this report aims to demonstrate a classical presentation of REM and available treatment options that have proved efficacious to date.


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