Linear Psoriasis: A Case Report of a 71-Year-Old Female

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linear psoriasis, left lower extremity, female


A 71-year-old woman presented with a one-month history of pruritus, burning, flaky, and erythematous plaques. The lesions had a very narrow lineal distribution, extending from the lateral left sole to the left popliteal region. Microscopically, the skin biopsy sample revealed orthokeratosis, parakeratosis and traumatized Koebnerization. Elongation of rete ridges was not prominent. The patient had a good clinical response to oral prednisone. Linear psoriasis is a rare variant of psoriasis of unknown etiology. Approximately 23 reports have been published in the English literature. The main differential diagnosis is Inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus (ILVEN). Thorough clinicopathologic findings and response to treatment are all required in the diagnosis and management of this rare form of psoriasis.


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