Characterization of Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Cutis Marmorata Telangiectatica Congenita

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Nate Bowers
Wasim Haidari
Jennifer Su
Jesus Cardenas-de la Garza
Steve Feldman
Joseph Jorizzo


Vascular Malformation


Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita (CMTC) is an uncommon, congenital, cutaneous vascular disease with an unknown pathogenesis. Although considered as a benign condition, anomalies such as body asymmetry are frequently associated. Herein we present a series of patient with diagnosis of CMTC with a focus on clinical outcomes. In our series, limb length abnormalities were the most common associate anomaly, occurring in 24% of the subjects, similar to other series with rates of 33% and 27% but higher than the general population (6.7%). Importantly, dermatologist should be aware of the frequently associated anomalies in CMTC, such as leg length discrepancy, which may have serious consequences if not recognized and treated.




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